Friday, March 10, 2006



Locks play a big part in our life these days.

Because Timothy likes to pour water all over things (and because he occasionally drinks from the toilet), we have to keep the bathroom doors locked most of the time. This poses a problem for Jason, because he has trouble unlocking them from the outside. The big bathroom has the kind that you can open with a coin, but the smaller bathroom you have to poke something into a very small hole.

Timothy is also fond of throwing things, and carrying random objects around the house and yard and just leaving them there. Because of this, we really don't consider something put away unless it is behind a lock. We've replaced all but one of the bookcases in our house with cabinets with doors on them, and we have child-safety locks on all the doors. I have my clothes in a wardrobe, and we had to put a lock on that door. Otherwise Timothy will open up the wardrobe, take all my clothes off the hangers and throw them on the floor.

This week Timothy has finally figured out how to open the deadbolts on the front door and the door to the garage. I already had a sliding bolt installed way up at the top of the front door, but I don't have one on the door to the garage yet. Four times on Wednesday I had to run out into the driveway and bring him back in after he unlocked the door, went into the garage, opened the garage door, and went outside. Putting a sliding bolt at the top of that door is at the top of my list for weekend chores.

I don't know what we'll do when he figures out how to drag a chair over and open that bolt too. We may have to put a key lock on the inside of the house. I'm hoping it won't come to that--it would make it hard to get out of the house in case of a fire--but I haven't come up with a better idea yet.

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